
Who to Notify When Moving House: Change of Address Checklist

There is so much to think about when moving house, it can be easy to overlook certain aspects. A crucial part of the process is informing the correct people that you are moving house. You will naturally tell your friends and family, but various organisations also need to be told, so that your essential information is kept up to date. We have put together a list of all the key people who need to be informed about your new address.

Who Needs to be Notified During Your Home Move?

Different groups of people and organisations need to be informed. These have been broken down for you below, but always make your own list, so that you can make sure that you have informed all the correct people.

Moving Checklist write on book

Key Government and Administrative Organisations

Local Authorities – this includes your local council for your council tax, and ensuring that you are correctly included on any electoral roll so that you can vote in upcoming elections. If you receive any benefits then the Department for Work and Pensions needs to be informed, so that your payments continue.

National Authorities – this includes HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) so that you can be taxed correctly, and if you are self-employed so that you can continue to receive information about your tax return. National Insurance needs to be informed, as your National Insurance number is associated with many aspects of life including your pension and pay.

Financial Institutions and Related Services

Banks or Building Societies – you must inform your bank when you move house, but remember to include all accounts that you may hold, including those with building societies.

Loan Providers and Credit Card Companies – your mortgage company should know that you are moving house, but you will need to inform any other companies where you have a loan or credit card.

Pension Providers – many people don’t think about their pension until their later years, but it is important to keep track of any money that you are saving for your future and inform the relevant companies about your move. Bear in mind that you may have pensions with different providers if you have moved jobs.

Healthcare Providers

General Practitioners (GP) and Dentists – if you are moving within the same area, then you can stay with your current GP and dentist, however, they will still need to know your new address details. If you are changing areas then you will need to find a new GP and dentist and register with them using your new address.

Specialists and Other Healthcare Services – make sure you inform other healthcare providers that you may see outside of the NHS, such as opticians or private physios, so that their records are kept up to date.

Update Medical Records – your medical records should be transferred to your new GP practice. However, if you have had any private treatment, then you will need to make sure this information gets transferred. If your treatment is moved from one hospital to another then providing them with details such as your old and new address, and previous consultant, is helpful.

Insurance Providers

Home and Contents Insurance – you must have buildings insurance in place from the day you exchange contracts, as this is the day the property becomes legally yours. Contents insurance needs to transfer from one house to another on the day of completion.

Health, Life, and Vehicle Insurance – all other insurances also need your address updating. Car insurance is particularly important as your premium may change according to your address.

Travel and Pet Insurance – make sure you remember to include other insurances, especially ones that you don’t use often. It can be helpful to look at your direct debits if you are unsure of which insurances you hold.

Utility Providers and Household Services

Utility Providers – tell your current providers when you are moving, so that you can get your new property set up with your new contracts from the day you move.

TV License and Broadband Services – all your TV and broadband services can be transferred across to your new home, make sure you tell your providers beforehand so that you are good to go from the first day in your new home.

Other Household Services – if you use any household services such as a cleaner or a gardener, then make sure you let them know in good time. If you are moving locally then you may be able to continue to use them, but if you are moving out of the area, then you may need to find new services.

Employment and Career

Current Employer – make sure you update your employer to make sure correct payroll information.

Professional Organisations – if you belong to any professional bodies or unions you need to let them know also.

HMRC and National Insurance – these must be kept up to date, so ensure that you remember to update address with these organisations as well.

Vehicle-Related Updates

DVLA – you must tell the DVLA so that your driver’s license and vehicle registration documents show the correct address.

Vehicle Insurance – your vehicle insurance is reflective of where you live, and this must be correct so that you are covered when driving.

Education and Childcare Providers

Schools, Colleges, and Universities – if you are moving within area, then you may be able to stay at the same school, however, you must still let the school know of any changes to your or your child’s address.

Childcare Services – consider whether you are staying with the same provider, or finding new ones. Nurseries often require a notice period, so make sure you tell them in good time if you are leaving. Also consider finding a new place ahead of time, as nurseries are often fully booked, or have waiting lists.

Recreational and Leisure Services

Clubs and Memberships – remember to inform any club that you are a member of. Again consider whether you need to hand your notice in with these clubs, or simply let them know your new address.

Magazine Subscriptions and Streaming Services – as much of our lives is now carried out online, it can be easy to overlook physical deliveries such as magazine subscriptions.

Friends, Family, and Social Networks

Your friends and family will probably know that you are moving house, but remember to give them the actual address so that they can send you a “welcome to your new home” card!

Legal and Official Documentation

Wills and Legal Documents – all legal documents will need to reflect your current address.

Notify your Lawyer or Solicitor – your solicitor will obviously know your new address, but if you use a different solicitor for other matters then you will need to inform them.

Mail Redirection

Using a mail redirection service is an excellent idea. This will automatically redirect your mail from your old address to your new address for a set period of time. This is an easy way to keep track of who you need to inform, as anything that is redirected you can simply make sure you subsequently update. It is an easy way to capture any change of addresses that you have missed.

Moving House? Choose Excalibur Removals For a Seamless Move

While we can’t help you to make sure that you have notified all the relevant people about your change of address, we can help you to move home. If you are looking for a professional removal company, look no further. Excalibur Removals are here to provide a professional, flexible and personal removal service for you. To discuss your forthcoming move with us, simply contact us today.